
2009年12月1日 星期二

[電影]Across the Universe (愛是唯一)



一.這首歌的合音很棒喔~!畫面則很有MTV的感覺。“Won't you come out to play?“後半段把這首歌帶入了遊行的隊伍,似乎也象徵著遊行最初之時,年輕人歡樂、興奮,甚至將遊行當成嘉年華會的輕鬆心情。這時大家還不知道,戰爭,原來會帶來那麼多的傷痛。

Dear Prudence
Lyrics:John Lennon Music:John Lennon Artist:John Lennon/Paul Mccartney

Dear Prudence won't you come out to play
Dear Prudence greet the brand new day ha-hay hay
The sun is up, the sky is blue,
It's beautiful and so are you Dear Prudence,
Won't you come out to play

Dear Prudence open your eyes,
Dear Prudence see the sunny ski-hi-hi-ies.
The wind is low, the birds will sing
That you are part of everything Dear Prudence
Won't you open your eyes

Look around, 'round
Look around, 'round, 'round
Look around

二.這是女孩的哥哥莫名其妙的被徵召入伍。用超象徵但卻鮮活的手法拍攝出國家機器對個人的要求。"i wanna you~!"國家需要你~!國家用大義的名分塑造平民百姓成為殺人機器。而個人所列舉的拒絕理由在公權力下全然被漠視,個人只是被貼了標籤、蓋了保鮮膜的冷凍生肉。
I Want You (She's So Heavy) Lyrics
Artist(Band):The Beatles

I want you
I want you so bad
I want you,
I want you so bad
It’s driving me mad, it’s driving me mad.
I want you
I want you so bad babe
I want you,
I want you so bad
It’s driving me mad, it’s driving me mad.
I want you
I want you so bad babe
I want you,
I want you so bad
It’s driving me mad, it’s driving me mad.
I want you
I want you so bad
I want you,
I want you so bad
It’s driving me mad, it’s driving me ...
She’s so heavy heavy, heavy, heavy.

She's so heavy
She's so heavy, heavy, heavy

I want you
I want you so bad
I want you,
I want you so bad
It’s driving me mad, it’s driving me mad.
I want you
You know I want you so bad babe
I want you,
You know I want you so bad
It’s driving me mad, it’s driving me mad

She’s so...




Hey Jude
Lyrics:Paul Mccartney Music:Paul Mccartney

Hey Jude, don't make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.

Hey Jude, don't be afraid.
You were made to go out and get her.
The minute you let her under your skin,
Then you begin to make it better.

And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain,
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders.
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder.

Hey Jude, don't let me down.
You have found her, now go and get her.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.

So let it out and let it in, hey Jude, begin,
You're waiting for someone to perform with.
And don't you know that it's just you, hey Jude, you'll do,
The movement you need is on your shoulder.

Hey Jude, don't make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her under your skin,
Then you'll begin to make it
Better better better better better better, oh.
Da da da da da da, da da da, hey Jude...


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